Trust funds for care, 701.11
Depositing, bonds, 157.11 (9), (11)
Trustees for care, 157.125
Veterans cemeteries, 45.358
census CENSUS
Election districts, maps, 13.92
School, 43.70, 120.18
Town, 60.81
Village, 61.191
centers for developmentally disabled CENTERS FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED
certificated securities CERTIFICATED SECURITIES
certification of questions of law CERTIFICATION OF QUESTIONS OF LAW
Generally, Ch. 821
For detailed analysis, see Appellate Procedure—3. Supreme Court
certifications as evidence CERTIFICATIONS AS EVIDENCE
See Evidence
certified capital companies CERTIFIED CAPITAL COMPANIES
Certification, 560.31
Commerce dept., review of program, 560.38
Compliance review; decertification; disqualification, 560.37
Definitions, 560.30
Distributions, 560.36
Investments in, 560.32
Operation, 560.34
Qualified businesses for certified capital company investment, 560.33
Reporting requirements and fees, 560.35
Tax credit for insurer investment, 76.635
certified public accountants CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS
certiorari CERTIORARI
Assessment of property, revaluation, 70.85
Board of review assessments, 70.47 (13)
Circuit court, 753.04
Commencement of action, 801.02 (5)
Employee trust funds board, determinations reviewable by, 40.08 (12)
Extraordinary remedy:
As final judgment or provisional remedy, 781.01
Temporary relief, 781.02
Transmittal of record, 781.03
Highway orders, contesting, 80.34
Municipal court, costs on appeal from, 814.08
Parole refusal, venue, 801.50 (5)
Supreme court justice may issue, 751.07
Zoning law, county; board of adjustment, 59.694 (10)
charitable organizations CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS
Distribution of surplus, method, 171.08
Food product donations, liability exemption, 895.51
Liability for defendants doing community service, 971.38, 973.03 (3), 973.09 (7m)
Generally, 440.41 to 440.48
Administration by regulation and licensing dept., 440.47
Charitable sales promotion, 440.45
Disciplinary actions, 440.475
Disclosures to be made by solicitors, 440.455
Fund-raising counsel, 440.43
Fund-raising organizations, 440.42
Penalties and enforcement, 440.48
Professional fund-raisers, 440.44
Prohibited acts, 440.46
Trusts, see Trusts
charters CHARTERS
chattel documents and mortgages CHATTEL DOCUMENTS AND MORTGAGES
chauffeurs CHAUFFEURS
Training grants, 38.29
checks CHECKS
Bank collections, check more than 6 months old, bank not obligated to pay, 404.404
Cashier's, limitation of actions for payment, 893.63
Certification is acceptance, 403.411
Certified by bank, effect, 221.0325
Certified, limitation of actions for payment, 893.63
Clear at par, 224.07
Identification information, regulated, 423.402
Payment to state by, 20.905
Replacement by state treasurer, 20.912 (5)
Sales contract, payment by check, effect of dishonor, 402.511 (3)
Cancellation and reissue by state treasurer, 14.58 (12), 20.912
How signed, 14.58 (1)
On insolvent bank, 20.912 (4)
Time check, payable where, penalty, 103.45
Unclaimed property, 177.05